uShaka Sea World provides a ‘window’ into the amazing life of the Western Indian Ocean. It is home to a large and diverse collection of marine life, representative of local seas. The aquarium consists of six different galleries, each themed both imaginatively according to different shipwrecks, as well as biologically, according to different ecosystems and habitats.
On ground level, as visitors wander through beautifully landscaped gardens filled with many indigenous plants, they can gaze into all of the larger exhibits and, in the shallower exhibits, this provides a unique bird’s eye view of the fish and sharks.
The real aquarium experience is, however, underground, where visitors enter the aquarium through a hole in the wrecked vessel and walk down three floors, past a restored skeleton of a southern right whale, into one of the world’s most imaginatively themed aquariums.
To introduce our animals to our visitors in a very personal way we have a number of Guest Relation Guides stationed in the aquarium. These well trained staff members from uShaka Sea World Education are ready to share many amazing stories with you – stories about our animals, their ocean home, and how you can care for our ocean and all of nature.
Join us on a virtual dive into the Indian Ocean!